St. John's Secondary School Muduuma is a Catholic mixed day and boarding school under the stewardship of Kampala Archdiocese in Muduuma Catholic Parish The school was founded to benefit the parishioners and community around Muduuma by providing quality yet affordable education.
We aim at grooming disciplined, God-fearing and self reliant youths for a better future generation. We are open for admission for all senior one candidates and other classes.
Online applications are allowed by clicking here
It was deemed this would allow for better livelihoods amongst the community members. St John's has to the present day remained true to that mission and continues to mold not only the community residents but all less privileged students of all faiths and descent from all over the country and beyond.
Please Note: The school aims and objectives are but a translation and extension of the aims and objectives of the Catholic Church which are in line with the National goals of education and above all, a true reflection of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).